суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


���� Baby I donapos;t know where to start but I do want to answer one question of yours before I forget what I wanted to say....Erin is against counseling, I�believe, because her family is just as disconnected as she is. Sheapos;s never really talked about her feelings with them and theyapos;ve never really wanted to know how she feels. I think sheapos;s so afraid to open that door because of what might creep out and what she will have to deal with.
���� I�wish I had answers for how "it" was lost between you two and when...I think�it�has been a�process and you have been�ignoring the slow decline�of the quality of the relationship because who wants to admit�they are sinking? Especially when you thought they were the "one"? Ya know? Itapos;s hard�to admit itapos;s not working. Itapos;s painful and I think�you have felt like the only one trying to make a difference for so long�that you almost�feel no�remorse for her because she has not put forth her best effort or even�much of an effort at all.
���� I definitely think for you to be fair to yourself this other thing should be put on the back burner for now. If itapos;s going to end you deserve to have a�clear head and not to have to deal with a whole nother issue and then look back on your separating with that being the foremost thought in your mind. You need to think clearly not cloud your head full of foggy reality. I love you so much and I just want yo uto be happy and also confident in whatever decisions you make. Make them for you...for YOUR happiness. If you try not to hurt someone despite the fact that itapos;s killing you inside you are doing everyone involved a disservice. You need to be happy Emily.

You just need to decide what that happiness is. :)

I love you from the bottom of my heart and even in the darkest and toughest of times I am always with you...rooting you on, being your biggest cheerleader because......................I BELIEVE IN YOU EMILY WINTON. XOXOXO

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european air war downloads

A�few months ago, I got a good deal on a positively ancient Big Ben alarm clock. I�think this is even whatapos;s called a Type 1, itapos;s that old. After it hadnapos;t arrived after about three weeks, I�wrote the seller, and they said that they sent it. As I�had neglected to get insurance, I didnapos;t bother to dispute it, electing to pay the stupid tax.

Imagine my surprise to see that the clock arrived today.

Looking at the box, itapos;s clear what happened. Whoever addressed the box had grossly mangled the address and it went to Virginia... Or maybe Washinton. Any state with a city named "Greenfield"�(and thereapos;s about a dozen) probably got my box. Eventually the Postal Service gave up and returned it to sender, who legibly added my address and shipped it on again.

Maybe this is a reason to accept the inevitable and just say I�live in "Milwaukee". Thereapos;s only one of those.�

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dump restore

I am so steaming mad I check my bank account on almost a daily basis and found a charge for $99.50 I didnapos;t recognize so I called the bank. They gave me an 800 number and come to find out somebody used my debit card info to charge at a website that sells software to buy and sell stocks

I mean how stupid is that? If you are going to steal someones money, why not actually buy something???

So I got the charged reversed from "Clickbank.com" and e-mailed the website to see what they could tell me. However...

I did get the e-mail addy that the person gave to the site so I used one of my little-used accounts (to save myself the spam in my major e-mail account) to send "her" a message "Nice try"

I donapos;t know how my effort my bank or anyone else will put into this since it was only $100 and "she" (female name on e-mail addy) didnapos;t get away with it but I am not going to let this go easily.

Thank God I donapos;t need a new bank account but I now have no debit card and wonapos;t get one for about 10 BUSINESS days I also will need to go to all the places that I have my card set-up for automatic payments and change the data when I finally get my card. And to top it all off I have my stupid number memorized and now I will need to remember a new one Sigh.

I know at least she didnapos;t get away with it but she almost overdrew my account and the $60 charge would have been an insult to injury as far as I am concerned.

I just realized that I havenapos;t used the f-word once regarding this subject today so I better correct that.

dump restore, dump restore freebsd, dump restore howto.

authority spiritual submitting

Seems that I really only post to LJ for NaNoWriMo anymore.

I still log on and read my friends list from time to time, but I really donapos;t much get into the mindset of needing to blog about whatapos;s been going on in my life. Iapos;m not certain thatapos;s altogether a bad thing either, unless this is the only venue some of you have for staying in contact with me. Which is easily remedied...

So, if LJ is the only method you have of keeping in touch with me and you would like to have more frequent interaction that just the month of November, let me know I have various IMs, a couple of e-mail addresses, and even a mailing address if you want a pen pal Heck, Iapos;ll even make comments private so you can share contact information with me without the world knowing.

In other news, and the whole reason I started a post today... November is nigh Which means itapos;s almost that time again for NaNoWriMo (www.nanowrimo.org)

Iapos;m once again participating. I havenapos;t finished yet, but the stories Iapos;ve made each year are very memorable and a number of people continue to ask me if Iapos;m ever going to finish them. While I like to think that some day Iapos;ll pick Murray back up and finish his depressing tale, I think I am done with the adventures of the Office Ninja. It was greatly amusing in my head and while discussing ideas with other people, but when I sat down to actually write, I found that my brain apparently doesnapos;t easily stay in "humor" mode and flips the switch to "long ass writing" mode. I hate to say it, but I write like Kevin Costner directs.

My plans for this yearapos;s story are to borrow from one of my favorite rpg game settings, masticate thoroughly, inject disturbing imagery that a few friends are starting to wonder why Iapos;m not locked up for, borrow ideas from a particular video game, fold gently, beat with a mallet, then pour into a gelatin mold and add grapes. Iapos;m going to be writing horror this year.

Year 1 - old person literary fiction
Year 2 - two parts Office Space, one part Ask A Ninja
Year 3 - horror

... Is there something wrong with me?
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campbell kelly

Been meaning to write this down.

A few days ago, I was standing in front of the microwave in the kitchen fixing Dylan a french bread pizza (one of his favorites) for dinner. The cats were all milling around, waiting to be fed too. Dylan came in the kitchen and started petting Simon. He came over to me, sighed, and said, "Well, I guess Simon's my favorite cat now," with a sad little look on his face. I just wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. We were standing there hugging in silence when the microwave started beeping that the pizza was done. Dylan shot the microwave a look and said, "Um, excuuuuse me, but we're trying to have a moment here"

He cracks me up.

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